2023 Immunization Champion Awards

This toolkit contains materials that immunization programs can use throughout the launch, selection, and promotion of the 2023 Immunization Champion Awards process. For questions on any materials, please email us.

Below you will find:

  • Email templates
  • Scoring rubrics
  • Checklists
  • Promotion messages
  • Social media materials

Launch of Nomination

Email Template - 2023 Call for Nominations

This template can assist in creating an email to send to your mailing list to kick off the Immunization Champion Award nomination process and solicit nominations from your networks.  

Selection Process

2023 Champion Award Rubric

This rubric displays the award criteria the nominee exhibits. Scoring is necessary for Immunization Champion selection.

Immunization Champion Award Checklist

This checklist details each step of the Immunization Champion process, from the launch of nomination through evaluation. 

Promotion of State Champion

Notice of Award to Champion

This template can help create an email to notify your state Champion they have received the award. This template can also be modified for a letter format to be sent to the Champion’s address and accompanied with the Champion plaque.

Notice of Award to Mailing List

This template can help create an email you can send to your mailing list. Consider including details about your Champion and any events you may be holding to celebrate.

Partner Promotion Blurb

The sample language can be used to promote the AIM Immunization Champion Award in your newsletters and written communications.

Sample Social Media Messages

Programs can use the sample social media messages during the nomination and promotion periods. Please tailor the messages to fit your unique audiences and organizations as needed.

Click on the images below to download and save the graphic. The sample graphics include:

  • A 2023 Immunization Champion logo badge that can be downloaded and added to any promotional image
  • A call for nominations image
  • Horizontal, square, and vertical image frames that photos can be placed on top of

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