Washington: Flu Free Campaign

Strategy The Washington State Department of Health created the Flu Free Washington campaign to close the gaps in flu vaccine coverage due to inequities, while promoting access to low- or no-cost vaccination options, with a focus on those at higher…

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DC: Spread Love, Not the Flu

To increase flu vaccination during the 2020-2021 flu season, DC used specific media outlets such as radio and social media. Part of DC's media campaign for flu vaccination was images with the tagline "Spread Love, Not the Flu" and a…

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Indiana: Increasing Immunization Vaccination Coverage

Through the creation of an Influenza Steering Committee that included partnerships with Medicaid, AAP - Indiana Chapter, Indiana Immunization Coalition, and the Indiana Pharmacy Alliance; Indiana was able to address the issue of increasing their immunization vaccine coverage. These efforts…

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Arkansas: School-located Flu Clinics

The Arkansas Department of Health has been conducting school-located flu clinics in most public schools across the state since 2005.  For the 2017-2018 flu season and when adding in private schools and a few daycares, there were 1,706 clinic sites held with 133,060 doses of flu vaccine administered.  School-located flu clinics are being conducted again…
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