Arizona: AFIX-IIS Integration

To develop reports needed for AFIX assessments, the Arizona program transitioned from CoCASA to using their IIS. The key steps involved in transition included assessing the IIS capacity to generate reports, working with their vendor to correct and/or improve reports, and providing education in provider officers during AFIX visits.  After making the assessment portion more efficient, Arizona program staff could spend more time in the providers’ offices providing training on how to use the IIS for assessment reporting.  The Arizona program has received positive feedback from the providers’ offices on the ability to generate reports on a scheduled basis and to share results with any desired recipient in the office. To learn more about Arizona’s transition to IIS-based AFIX assessment…

Associated Files: AZ Bull's Eye Submission AFIX W Attachments - 2016

Years: 2015

Locations: Arizona

Programmatic Areas: IIS

Key Words: AFIX, IIS

Evidence Based: Yes

Evaluations: Yes

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