Washington: IIS Proof of Vaccination
Minnesota: Using a Novel Partnership to Measure Vaccine Uptake in Populations of Interest
Minnesota: Using a Novel Partnership to Measure Vaccine Uptake in Populations of Interest
Colorado: IIS Kindergarten MMR Dashboard
Colorado continues to rank at the bottom of immunization coverage rates in the United States. For the 2018-2019 school year, Colorado’s kindergarten coverage rate for the measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine was 87.4%, a 1.3% decrease from the previous…
Indiana: Updates – Hepatitis A, HPV and School Data Exchange
This presentation was presented at the 2019 Great Lakes regional meeting and provides an update on the state’s hepatitis A outbreak and make-up of a strike team to help control the outbreak. An HPV Maintenance of Certification Project is described,…
Washington: Increasing Pharmacist Participation in IIS
The Washington State Office of Immunization and Child Profile (OICP) worked with the Washington State Pharmacy Association (WSPA) to increase pharmacists’ use of the Washington State Immunization Information System (IIS).
Utah: Long-term Care Facility Outreach and Education
The Utah Immunization Program (UIP) conducted targeted site visits to long-term care facilities to increase adult vaccine coverage rates and promote participation in the statewide immunization registry.
Michigan: IIS-based Immunization Report Cards
Michigan created a county-level Immunization Report Card that presents coverage levels for select vaccine measures across the lifespan using data from the state’s immunization information system (IIS).
Louisiana: Expansion of Pharmacists’ Authority to Vaccinate and Requirement to Report to State Immunization Registry
Louisiana has revised its Board of Pharmacy Practice Act to include the requirement for pharmacists to report administered vaccines to the state immunization information system (IIS), and to expand their authority to administer vaccines without a prescription.