RSV Vaccination in the Elderly Population (ISIRV)

Join the International Society for Influenza and other Respiratory Virus Diseases (ISIRV) on January 24 at 8:30 am ET for a webinar on RSV Vaccination in the Elderly Population.

After many decades of research and numerous failed attempts to find safe and effective vaccines, 2023 saw a remarkable breakthrough in RSV vaccines, with the approval of a subunit vaccine for the elderly. We are delighted that two of the main scientists/clinicians behind this historical breakthrough have accepted our invitation to this webinar. Prof. Barney Graham will discuss the amazing science that led to the successful vaccine, while Prof. Ed Walsh will tell us about the pivotal clinical trials that led to its approval. This webinar will be highly informative for clinicians and scientists worldwide who treat and research RSV-related diseases, such as pneumonia and bronchiolitis.

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