Louisiana: Health Heroes Pilot for School Located Vaccination Clinics
Louisiana utilized vaccination data to come to the conclusion of the need for school located vaccination clinics (SLVC). With collaborations between state agencies, a private company, and manufacturer, Louisiana was able to establish successful SLVC with requests of expansion.
Indiana: Increasing Immunization Vaccination Coverage
Through the creation of an Influenza Steering Committee that included partnerships with Medicaid, AAP - Indiana Chapter, Indiana Immunization Coalition, and the Indiana Pharmacy Alliance; Indiana was able to address the issue of increasing their immunization vaccine coverage. These efforts…
California: Flu Vaccination Action Plan
New York: Using an Immunization Information System (IIS) to Achieve Compliance with Vaccines for Children Storage and Handling Requirements
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) required providers participating in the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program to use standalone or biological pharmaceutical grade refrigerators and freezers for vaccine storage and continuous digital data logger (DDL) thermometers to monitor…
North Dakota: Identifying Unreported Vaccine Storage and Handling Incidents
The North Dakota immunization program requires providers to submit monthly temperature logs to ensure that vaccine is stored at the correct temperatures. Logs are reviewed by staff to find previously unreported excursions. Data was tracked for a one-year period to…
Wisconsin: BigShots Awards
To help raise awareness around National Infant Immunization Week, and to encourage providers to ensure that the data they submit to the Wisconsin Immunization Registry (WIR) is accurate and timely, the immunization program created the “Wisconsin BigShots Awards” to recognize…
Rhode Island: VFC Site Visits in the Hospital Setting
In Rhode Island, the program maintains a partnership with the hospitals and utilizes VFC site visits to provide hospitals with updated information on policies and procedures regarding vaccine storage, handling, and administration. The unique feature of the site visits are…
Rhode Island: Off Year VFC Comprehensive Site Visits
Conducting VFC site visits annually, instead of every-other-year as required, helps the RI program build a stronger partnership with VFC practices. The “off-year” visits are conducted during the year that a VFC comprehensive visit is not done. The off-year visit…