ND Testimony on House Bill 1320

Testimony from the ND IP on the importance of childcare, school, and university immunization requirements.

Non-Medical Vaccine Exemptions

Describes how to claim a non-medical vaccine exemption in Oregon and provides corresponding resources for the public.

Michigan Immunization Waiver Information

Information and resources for parents/guardians who want to claim a nonmedical immunization waiver. Requires they receive education regarding the benefits of vaccination and…

IAC Examination of Personal Belief Exemptions

Personal Belief Exemptions for Vaccination Put People at Risk. Examine the Evidence for Yourself. Enforcement of mandatory immunization requirements for children entering childcare…

CDPH Medical Exemptions Q&A

California Department of Public Health frequently asked questions about vaccinations and medical exemptions.

Research: Trends in Exemptions 2011-16

Research article published by Saad Omer that analyzed state-level exemption data from 2011 to 2012 through 2015 to 2016 school years. here was…

WA FAQ on MMR Vaccine Exemption

The Washington State Department of Health provides frequently asked questions about the 2019 law in Washington that removes the personal and philosophical option…

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